Friday, November 20, 2009

Friday Funday

it's finally friday! i never thought this week would end! it seems that lately i never have a good day or bad day, instead it has become a series of weeks where everything seems to go right or everything seems to go wrong. this week has been one of the bad ones.  i can't even adequately list the stressful and frustrating events that have occurred this week (so, in an effort towards positivity, i won't even try). needless to say, i am so grateful that friday has finally arrived! 

my relationship with my best friend is on the rocks right now, which is really bothering me. we have been having a lot of miscommunication seems like everything i say or do he reads into or takes to mean something that it doesn't. his solution to every potential conflict is avoidance- but i don't mean avoiding the confrontation (like i do), i mean avoiding the person all together. so, if i say something he doesn't like, he just stops talking to me all together for several days. and, because i am who i am, i cannot take that. i would so much rather be yelled at or have mean things said to me than to know that there is an issue and have someone just refuse to communicate with me. so, of course, i try to get it out of him what is going on and why he's avoiding me and he, of course avoids me even more. then, i eventually say something, anything to get him to respond and it ends in him saying "i've just been busy. you're creating drama in your mind where there is none." funny, you've never been this busy before, in the entire time i've known you. come to think of it, when you spent the whole summer in Egypt and Europe and i was studying for the Bar Exam, there was never even a period of 2 days where i didn't hear from you. yeah, i'm really supposed to believe that he has been so ridiculously busy for the past 4 days that it has been physically impossible for him to pick up the phone and send a text? or maybe he has been lost in a cave in some foreign land where there is no such thing as a cell tower and they still carry postal mail with horses so his letters just haven't arrived yet?

he's my best friend and i miss him. there. i said it. i miss him. he used to talk to me and text me all the time and we would go places and do things together and it was fun. he made me laugh and we got along and i never had to try to be someone i'm not with him. i guess nothing lasts forever.

regardless of the fact that his absence has recently caused a hole in my social calendar as well as a silence that my cell phone has never experienced, i am trying to make the best of it and spend time with my other friends and have fun. you know, keep my mind off of it. i am looking forward to this weekend's plans. 
  • tonight: a big group of friends is getting together for dinner, then going to see New Moon. 
  • tomorrow night: my roommate and i are going out dancing, which we always have fun doing. 
  • sunday: church. something awesome happened last night too. my roommate asked me "are you going to church on sunday?" i said "yeah, i always go." she responded, "ok. i think i would like to go with you." :) i'm excited that she asked to go without even being invited. :)

it looks like next week will be good too. i usually work about 60 hours per week, and it's impossible to get any time off around here unless you need to attend your own funeral. even then, there would probably be an argument. so, any time off is something  that i do not take for granted. 
  • Monday, I get to go to court in the morning (i love going to court!) and then go down to our corporate office for a thanksgiving potluck lunch. since corporate is a 3 1/2 hour drive from our office, we don't have to go back to work afterward. 
  • Tuesday will be a normal work day, but I have an interview for a position at the Office of the Attorney General's Child Support Enforcement office after work.
  • Wednesday the office is closing at 5:00 (yes, that's early for me!)
  • Thursday we're off for Thanksgiving 
  • Friday the office is closed.

So, even though there are some frustrating things going on right now, I have a lot to look forward to! 

Random photo to leave you with: (my roommate and i on Halloween)

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